Hebrew Tabernacle Social Action
The Hebrew Tabernacle Social Action Committee provides opportunities for our congregation’s members and our allies in the community to learn and work together to “repair the world—Tikkun Olam.” The world can seem pretty broken now, but we persist:
“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”
Rabbi Tarfon’s comment on Micah 6:8
To find out about events, actions & meetings, contact Social Action Committee:
Email Office@hebrewtabernacle.org or call 212-568-8304, and someone from the Social Action Committee will contact you!
Come to our next Social Action Committee meeting on Zoom:
- Email Office@hebrewtabernacle.org or call 212-568-8304, and someone from the Social Action Committee will give you the Zoom link!
- And look for meeting announcements in the weekly Eblast from the Tabernacle Office.
- Contact Office@hebrewtabernacle.org to be added to the eblast list.
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