Seder Appeal 2024


We are very excited to announce that our Annual Community Seder will be on the SECOND night of Passover, Tuesday, April 23 (15 Nissan)!  We listened to your feedback and look forward to welcoming those who are always committed elsewhere on the first night.  Our Seder will be conducted by Rabbi Paula Feldstein and her husband, Rabbi Jordan Millstein and we will begin earlier, at 5:30pm, so that young and old can enjoy this Kosher meal together. Details about meal choices and tickets will be available soon!

Last year, we started a new tradition with our Seder Appeal, with donations directly impacting the price of Seder tickets. It was a big success!  We raised $4,700, reduced the adult ticket price from $65 to $47 per person, and provided further discounts for seniors’ aides and for children.*  Please join us again in this fundraising experiment.  This year, we hope to reach our goal of $5,000, in just 10 days!

For every $200 that we receive in donations, the cost to attend the Seder for everyone will be lowered by $1.

For seniors on fixed incomes, for families with children, for anyone who is struggling, give from your heart to “make this night different from all other nights.”  As you think about our synagogue community and the opportunity for FOUR generations to gather together for this special celebration, please consider this act of Tzedakah.

Please donate using the form below by April 5   With your generosity we can make this essential Jewish experience even more accessible for our members, friends, and neighbors!


Desma Holcomb, President

Michael Klein, Seder Committee Chair



* If you are someone who likes to know the details: For every $1,000 that we receive in donations, between now and April 5th, the price per ticket will be reduced by $5 for everyone.  On April 8th, the final ticket price will be announced and tickets will go on sale.  In recent years, the actual cost of the Seder has been about $90/adult. Last year, we set the starting ticket price at $65 per person, based on prior years’ donations and HT’s longstanding commitment to subsidize the cost. You, our donors, contributed $3,600 by the deadline, reducing the price by $18. There was an additional $1,100 in donations after the deadline which helped cover the subsidy as well as the waiters, custodians and supplies. This year, our goal is to raise $5,000 by the deadline, getting the cost down to $40 per ticket.

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