Thank you for your interest in joining us for the High Holidays!

This form can be used for the following:

  • Newcomers/Non-members who would like to make reservations.
  • Members who would like to make reservations for their guests.

Your reservation admits everyone in your party to all services.  

Please note: For security reasons non-members must make a reservation or will need to fill out a reservation form when they arrive. Names of all members will automatically be on the reservation list for in-person services, and they will receive email invites if attending by Zoom.  Members do not need to fill out this form. 

High Holiday Reservation Form 

Online Reservations are now closed. 

If you would still like to join us for Yom Kippur, please do so. Registration will be available at the door.

Consider joining!  All new memberships are eligible for a 36% discount and include high holiday reservations. Please fill out our membership form or call/email the office.

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