Join us as we celebrate! High Holidays 2024/5785

Please join us for services conducted by Rabbi Paula Feldstein and Cantor Josee Wolff with Accompanist Ken Corneille. 

In the sanctuary and on Zoom, with singing, piano, guitar and organ. Hebrew Tabernacle is located at 551 Fort Washington Avenue. Enter on 185th Street for all services.


We welcome all newcomers to join our services for free.

For security reasons you must make a reservation or you will need to fill out a reservation form when you arrive. 


Members do not need a reservation. If you need more information you can reach someone via the information below.

  • Email the office
  • Call and leave a message at 212-568-8304


If you are a member and would like to bring guests, please use the reservation link below:

  • Make a reservation here

Services at right marked with an asterisk (*) do require a reservation for member guests. 






We’ll be gathering at the following dates and times:

S’LICHOT SERVICE – Saturday, September 28th at 8:00 PM

ROSH HASHANAH EVE – Wednesday,October 2nd at 7:30 PM

ROSH HASHANAH I – Thursday, October 3rd

  • 9:30 AM Family Service
  • *10:30 AM Rosh Hashanah I
  • 1:00 PM Festive Lunch
  • 3:00 PM Shofars Sound in Bennett Park
  • 3:30 PM Tashlich

ROSH HASHANAH II – Friday, October 4th

  • 9:30 AM Tot Hashanah
  • 10:30 AM Morning Service

YOM KIPPUR EVE – Friday, October 11th

  • *7:30 PM KOL NIDRE

YOM KIPPUR – Saturday, October 12th

  • 9:30 AM Tot Service
  • *10:30 AM Morning Service
  • 1:00 PM Youth Service
  • 2:30 PM Torah Study Session
  • 4:00 PM Afternoon Service
  • 5:00 PM Yizkor
  • 5:45 PM Neilah and Havdalah

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