Hebrew Tabernacle Board Resolution on Climate Change (2021)
We at Hebrew Tabernacle endorse these principles from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism and this excerpt from the Climate Change resolution at the Union for Reform Judaism Biennial Conference in 2017:
The Reform Movement is committed to protecting the environment and ensuring a just, healthy, and safe future for generations to come. The science is clear: global climate change and pollution threaten our planet and endanger our communities. We have a sacred responsibility to care for the Earth and its inhabitants by advocating for sustainable policies addressing climate change, promoting clean air and water, and protecting wildlife.
In doing this work, we must also ensure environmental justice, protecting those who have been disproportionately impacted by climate change and advocating for a just transition away from fossil fuels. Through our environmental advocacy, we carry on a Jewish tradition of stewardship and partnership in the ongoing work of Creation dating back to Genesis.