The High Holidays—Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur—are a time for reflection, renewal, and an opportunity to reconnect with community. However, the cost of a high holiday ticket is a barrier for many. Fortunately, several synagogues across New York City offer free or donation-based High Holiday services, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate.

At Hebrew Tabernacle, we believe that High Holiday services should be open to all. We are proud to offer these services without cost or a suggested donation. We warmly invite you to join our inclusive community this holiday season. Please note that reservations are required.

Our Free High Holiday Services at Hebrew Tabernacle:

S’lichot Service – Saturday, September 28th
Rosh Hashanah Eve – Wednesday,October 2nd
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 – Thursday, October 3rd
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 – Friday, October 4th
Yom Kippur Eve (Kol Nidre) – Friday, October 11th
Yom Kippur – Saturday, October 12th

All services take place at 551 Fort Washington Avenue in Washington Heights, Manhattan. Our congregation is a proud member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Services will be led by Rabbi Paula Feldstein and Cantor Josee Wolff. To learn more and make a reservation, click here.

Other Synagogues Offering Free High Holiday Services in NYC (2024):

In addition to our services at Hebrew Tabernacle, there are several other congregations in NYC that provide free or low-cost services during the High Holidays. Here are a few options:

Riverdale Temple
This Reform synagogue in the Riverdale neighborhood of the Bronx opens its doors to non-members, but only for select services during the high holidays. These include Selichot, a family service on Rosh Hashanah I, and Rosh Hashanah II, among others.

Bies Community
Located in Washington Heights on the same block at Hebrew Taberbacle, Beis is a “intentional, inclusive, innovative Orthodox Jewish community,” according to their website. Beis does not have a membership and does not charge for its services.

Congregation Beit Simchat Torah (CBST)
CBST will hold its Rosh Hashanah services at Masonic Hall and its Yom Kippur services at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. High holiday services are free at this LGBTQ+ synagogue, which welcomes “people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.”

SAJ: Judaism That Stands for All
A member of Reconstructing Judaism, SAJ was founded in 1922 and is located on the Upper East Side. Because in-person space is limited, high holiday services are “multi-access,” which means they are also online. Attending either modality require a donation of some amount.

Kolot Chayeinu
In Brooklyn, the progressive synagogue Kolot Chayeinu opens its doors to all without charge during the high holidays. Advance registration is required to attend services.

We hope this guide helps you find a welcoming space to observe the High Holidays in NYC this year. Wherever you decide to attend, may your experience filled with sweetness and communal connection. If you have any questions about our services at Hebrew Tabernacle, feel free to reach out—we look forward to celebrating the High Holidays with you!